Are you looking for a great new read to help you on your sober journey? Well look no further! Author Kevin Malton, who is a recovering alcoholic, takes you through the first 90 days of sobriety. With the pitfalls to watch out for and  how to avoid them, this enlightening read will keep you laughing while also offering practical help with your sober journey. You are a goat and alcohol is a Beast - this book will  show you how to conquer The Beast, one cup of coffee at a time.


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The paperback for those that enjoy a proper book in their mitts can be ordered here.

The E-book for the impatient can be ordered here.



As Sober as a Goat is a wild, woolly triumph—a middle finger to the Booze Beast and a cheer for the misfit sober. 4.5 out of 5 stars.
(Oh, and props for the sensible bits—medical disclaimers and AA nods show Malton’s not just chaos; he’s got your back.)